DEFINED – Who God Says You Are by Priscilla Shirer

Wednesdays starting September 20, 6:30-7:30 PM
Upstairs in the Family Life Center
Led by Miranda Curbow


Discover the Unique Way God Has Created You

When you introduce yourself to someone for the first time, you have an opportunity to define yourself. You disclose your name, profession, and interests. These factors help our culture define us, but are those answers enough? There are bigger questions our culture can’t answer: Who am I? Why do I matter? And before asking, who am I? You must first answer, who is God?
The Scripture teaches that we are all made in the image of God. We do not define ourselves—the Creator does. We were all created to be known and loved by God. Once the answers are clear, we can move forward and discover all God has called us to be. (8 sessions)

Come Lord Jesus: A Woman’s Walk—Spirit, Body & Soul—Through the Book of Revelation by Nancy Gemaehlich

Tuesdays starting September 5, 6 PM
Women’s Ministry Room (Downstairs in the Education Building)
Led by Kaye Robertson
“Why did God give us the book of Revelation? What’s more, why did He promise a blessing to those who read and heed its words?” 
The book of Revelation is the consummation of God’s grand story of creation that He has given us as an anchor and a hope for our lives. Come Lord Jesus: A Woman’s Walk Spirit, Body & Soul Through the Book of Revelation will guide you on a journey through this unique book of the Bible.
You will have the opportunity to live out, spirit, body, and soul this message from the Lord to His church. In this Bible study, you will engage in worship, prayer, witness, creativity, and connection with God and others. It is written in two parts; each part is eight weeks in length. It is suitable for groups and individuals. Studying the book of Revelation is truly a blessing that the Lord has given us for our lives.
Let’s dive in together to know Him more!